Cannabis is one of the best alternative medicines available in the markets as the world slowly legalizing this herb. However, there are still some countries such as Indonesia and Philippines who are staunchly against cannabis as they merely saw it as a recreational drug but not as a medicine that can cure diseases with ease at a much cheaper price. This article should help you learn about cannabis and why it can be used to fight epilepsy seizures

What is a cannabis and how it is consumed?

A cannabis is a tall plant usually at 30 inches when it is fully grown and has leaves that has five small stems that holds its serrated edged leaves which is why cannabis is also dubbed as “five fingers”

Cannabis is consumed by drying its leaves and grinding them into smaller pieces which would be rolled into a paper, fitted into a smoking peripheral or a bong which would then be smoked. This method is usually used to get high and be in a euphoric state

Leaves can also be mixed on food that can get you high as well depending on the volume mixed and what is the strand of the cannabis

Another safer consumption is mixing the cannabis oil into food or drink or consuming it directly in order to reap its benefits without getting high. Keep in mind that cannabis oil can also bring user to a high depending on the amount as well although with dampened effect

How does cannabis fight epilepsy seizures?

Cannabis is a downer drug that relaxes muscles and brain activity which also bring the user to a high with relaxed muscles, and drowsiness. In case that an epilepsy attack or seizure is happening or is about to start, it is advisable to smoke cannabis directly so that the euphoric sensation it brings will relax your nervous system from sending too many signals. Keep in mind that smoking cannabis too frequent can reduce cognitive process and memory which is why it is nota advisable to smoke cannabis everyday

If the one who suffers from epilepsy is a child, a spoonful of cannabis oil can be consumed directly as well which would relax the nervous system and muscles as well which would halt the seizure

if you want to be the expert about the perks of cannabis, you can learn more by visiting this page.