If you are a cross between a professional gourmet and a downright glutton, then chances are you are a foodie. It is a label that effectively describes a person who has a deep passion for food for no apparent reason other than understanding food, beverages, and flavor makes them happy.

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This makes a foodie a sort of connoisseur as they constantly search for new experiences that mainly involves making their taste buds happy as opposed to just being plain hungry.

If you don’t know how to distinguish yourself between being a food elitist, a foodie, or just somebody who is constantly hungry, here are the telltale signs that every certified foodie has.

You can actually name more than thirty herbs and spices (plus points for those who can also recite what their respective flavors are)

It’s because you know the word ‘spicy’ has more than ten different meanings as far as your taste buds is concerned.

When everybody else just associates the word ‘hot’ to this word, your taste buds are actually telling your brain, whether what you are currently tasting is curry, jalapeño, pepper, cayenne, chili, or paprika.

The same goes for ‘sweet’, ‘sour’, and ‘salty’. In your own taste dictionary, these flavors can mean a thousand different things depending on the ingredients used.

You own more than ten different gourmet sauces and can do a few more

It’ll be because you know that not all sauces are created equal. Some can bring out the flavor, while others can add texture. Also, since you already know a dozen different spices and what they are for, it is quite easy for you to know which ingredients to use to make an ideal sauce on a fly. Though, of course, you really rather just eat than cook.

You read all the labels in your food cabinet

You do not hate cooking (or maybe, you do and just don’t want to admit it out loud), it’s just it is more practical to either buy your food from restaurants or have somebody do the cooking for you.

But in the rare event that you found yourself reaching for a pan and an apron, you will spend more time reading all the ingredients label than the cooking itself. Why? Because you wanted to be sure that all the ingredients are natural and fresh. Otherwise, the flavor just won’t be there.

If these three things describe your personality to a T, then congratulations. You really are a certified foodie.